Healthy habits to start today
Healthy habits to start today

Your ideal consumption of sodium should be less than 2g per day (5g per day of salt), as per the WHO. Studies show that reducing your sodium intake can not only reduce your blood pressure but also reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, stroke, and coronary heart diseases. High sodium intake is not just linked with hypertension. It is particularly found in high quantities in processed foods like bread, biscuits, and chips and ingredients like soy sauce or stock cubes. But are you aware that salt is just one of the many ways you might be consuming sodium? Sodium is also found in a variety of foods such as milk, eggs, and meat. Reduce sodium in your diet You might know that doctors recommend having less salt if someone has high blood pressure. You can make meditation a part of your daily routine of heart-healthy habits by setting aside a few minutes in the morning, evening, or both. Meditation, besides being a great way to let go of stress, has been proven to have many health benefits including lowering your cortisol levels, blood pressure, and heart rate - all of which are amazing for your heart health. While there are many stress management techniques you can try out, meditation is one of the easiest ones that you can practice and start from today. It can also increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases and heart attack. Start meditating High stress for long periods of time can begin to physically affect your boday, even without being noticeable. Making the time to exercise just for just half an hour every day is one of the best heart-healthy habits you can practice. Exercise that focuses on strengthening major muscle groups should also be done 2 or more days of the week. Based on the latest WHO guidelines, the minimum amount of weekly physical activity for adults between 18-64 is 2.5–5 hours of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity, 1.25–2.5 hours of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity, or a mix of both. Physical inactivity has long been associated with an increased risk of heart diseases, so the more exercise you get, the lesser chances you’ll have of developing heart issues. Include exercise in your daily routine Globally, 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men don’t do enough physical activity to stay healthy, according to the 2020 fact sheet by the WHO. One study observed that simply eating one fruit a day can reduce your risk by as much as 10%.

healthy habits to start today

Multiple studies have shown that increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables reduces your risk of cardiovascular diseases.

healthy habits to start today

Fruits can also be a great replacement for desserts and help you avoid sugar. You should also be aware that there isn’t any one type of fruit or vegetable that you should eat, the key is to consume a variety of fresh, colourful produce - red tomatoes, leafy greens, yellow or orange citrus fruits - all of which are rich in different types of nutrients.

healthy habits to start today

Fresh vegetables and fruits are rich in micronutrients - minerals like calcium, magnesium, and iron and vitamins like vitamin C, folic acid, and vitamin A. Increase fruits & veggies in your diet How much fruits and vegetables do you eat in a day? If you have a sedentary lifestyle and you have less than 300g of vegetables and 100g of fruits daily, you’re eating less than the intake recommended by the National Institute of Nutrition guidelines. Here are five heart-healthy habits that you can start from today: 1. Many of your everyday activities can impact your heart health, but you can make the choice to start changing what you do to reduce your risks. Heart health needs more focus as cardiovascular diseases are one of the biggest health concerns worldwide, according to the WHO. It is important to take care of your heart, to reduce your risk of diseases in the long term. Your heart is one of the most vital organs that keeps blood flowing to other parts of your body to keep them working well. While you might have a short-term fitness goal, leading a healthy lifestyle requires long-term goals which you work towards every day. We know our health is the most important part of our lives but we often don’t realize how small, everyday things can affect it.

Healthy habits to start today